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You are or were exploited or possibly mistreated or kidnapped

Exploitation, mistreatment and kidnapping are frequently connected with human trafficking. Sexual exploitation and labour exploitation are different forms of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a serious crime and, in most cases, the victims are not able to free themselves.

In accordance with German law, we are talking about human trafficking only if you as the victim are in a situation of helplessness or in a predicament. Your helplessness must be due to the fact that you are staying in a foreign country. For example, this may be the case if you have no - or only a limited - knowledge of the German language, you have no money and the provision of accommodation and food depends on the person who exploits you. A predicament may exist if you have serious economic or personal problems. For the assumption of a no-way-out situation, it is not important whether you are from Germany or coming from another country.

Human trafficking for sexual exploitation

If your predicament or helplessness as described above is exploited by one or more accused persons in order to induce you to engage in or continue to engage in prostitution or to engage in exploitative sexual activity, this may constitute the offence of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. If you are under the age of 21, this applies also without predicament or helplessness.

If you are a victim of this form of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, you should rapidly seek advice and assistance in a specialized counselling centre. Even if you are afraid that you have made yourself liable to prosecution in the context of your situation, you can talk about your possibilities in specialised advice centres. Specialized advice centres in Lower Saxony include, but are not limited to, the following:

  •  the Office for coordination and consultation for female victims of human trafficking ( Zentrale Koordinierungs- und Beratungsstelle für Opfer von Menschenhandel - KOBRA), and
  • the specialised organisation for victims of human trafficking, forced prostitution and forced marriages SOLWODI e.V. (SOLidarity with WOmen in DIstress).

For additional information, refer to the homepage of the Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equal Opportunities of Lower Saxony (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung).

Human trafficking for the purpose of work exploitation

If your predicament or helplessness as described above is exploited by one or more accused persons to make you work for the accused person or a third person under working conditions that are in clear discrepancy to those of other workers performing the same or a similar activity, this may constitute the offence of human trafficking for the purpose of work exploitation. This may particularly be the case if your salary is significantly below the normal salary for the same work.

If you are under the age of 21, it is not important whether you are in a predicament or a situation of helplessness. In addition to human trafficking, this act may also constitute other offences.

If you are a victim of this form of human trafficking for the purpose of work exploitation, you should rapidly seek advice and assistance in a specialised counselling centre. Even if you are afraid that you have made yourself liable to prosecution in the context of your situation, you can talk about your possibilities in specialised advice centres. In Lower Saxony, specialised advice centres include, but are not limited to the Beratungsstelle für Mobile Beschäftigte (Advisory Centre for Mobile Workers in Lower Saxony), which has its offices at the Bildungsvereinigung Arbeit und Leben (Educational Association Work and Life) with points of contact in Hannover and Oldenburg.


If you or your relatives and friends currently feel threatened or are afraid, you should contact a police station which is specialised in these crimes. In this case, the advisors of the specialised facilities can provide support.