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Support and advice in everyday life

You are a victim of a crime. As a result of a crime, you frequently have lost your confidence, are afraid to go outside or have experienced other restrictions in your everyday life. If you feel in this or a similar way, you needn't be scared particularly. This is a frequent consequence of a crime. You can and may make use of advice, assistance and support. This may include consultations, accompaniment to authorities, initiation of therapeutic measures and training measures for strengthening your feeling of safety. Facilities which may advise and support you in your questions are - sorted according to regions - in your vicinity.

There are various facilities with specially trained and qualified personnel. Some provide general advice on all issues connected with the experience of a crime. However, there are also facilities which are specialized in specific crimes or specific consequences resulting from the experience of a crime. If you are looking for specialized facilities, you may enter a keyword in the List of Support Facilities.