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Direct financial aid

You are a victim of a crime. This does not only entail pain and fear. It may also require expenditures and lead to financial problems. In this case, please contact WEISSER RING e.V. or Stiftung Opferhilfe Niedersachsen (Foundation for Victim Assistance in Lower Saxony).


In your case, you can submit an application for counselling and financial support to WEISSER RING e.V. who will then make a decision at their central level. Points of contact who work in an honorary capacity are listed - sorted by region - on the website WEISSER RING e.V.

Stiftung Opferhilfe Niedersachsen (Foundation for Victim Assistance in Lower Saxony)

Stiftung Opferhilfe Niedersachsen (Foundation for Victim Assistance in Lower Saxony) maintains victim assistance offices at the eleven regional courts of Lower Saxony. There you will receive advice from full-time victim assistants. In case of financial emergencies, you may apply for and receive immediate assistance and, moreover, financial support if you need it. This will be decided by a regional victim assistance management board (Opferhilfevorstand) which comprises jurists of the regional court district and a representative of WEISSER RING e.V. You can find the victim assistance office responsible for you under the menu item Stiftung Opferhilfe Niedersachsen (Foundation for Victim Assistance in Lower Saxony).