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Therapeutic assistance

You have experienced a crime and feel that you are unable to come to terms with that experience. There are several possibilities to obtain aid to help you overcome those problems.

If you need support in coming to terms and overcoming the act of violence psychologically, you can turn to psychotherapists or the competent advice centres. Your health insurance company, your family doctor and the facilities listed in the List of Support Facilities will also help you.

If you need therapeutic help urgently, you can also turn to the Coordination Centre of the Lower Saxony Land Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family Affairs (Koordinierungsstelle des Niedersächsischen Landesamtes für Soziales, Jugend und Familie) in Hildesheim under the telephone numbers 05121/304-202 and 05121/304-738 or per e-mail at Trauma-Netzwerk.Niedersachsen@ls.niedersachsen.de.

Further information is available at: